My Mold Toxicity Journey
This is a place for me to document my mold journey in case anyone needs to see how someone experienced mold, and how they managed it. I...
My Mold Toxicity Journey
Detox info
Shampoo - detergent vs. soap based, what's the difference and why you you need to make a change!
Mold Toxicity
Cutting hair to keep it healthy?
My hair care routine ~ 2021
Why your skin might be hyper-reactive
Why GC/MS testing isn't enough for essential oils
Could coconut oil be bad for your hair?
Meet Andrea, The Essential Homemaker
Elderberry versus Tamiflu, a comparison
Alleviate Holiday Stress
Give Natural, Start the Switch This Holiday Season
More than a trend: How elderberry syrup can help you toward health
My Personal Hair Journey
Back to School Must Haves!
What’s In Your Sunscreen?
Toxins in Feminine Hygiene Products
Essential Homemaker Shampoo Bars
What to do When Shampoo Bars are Working Against You