It seems that many of us are being forced to wear masks, either to work, to go to the store, or to go to school.
Not everyone can not afford proper PPE and are left to reuse the same mask over and over again. Most masks are recommended to be worn for a short amount of time and then thrown away. Due to various circumstances, many mask users are forced to reuse the same mask day after day.
We nee to think about masks being kinda like undies. One fresh pair every day! Our warm, moist breath creates a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and mold to grow, much like a Petri dish does in the lab. It is unhealthy to breathe this in all day, every day especially after being worn for several consecutive uses.
This spray will assist those who reuse their mask, to have an option to clean it up before having to wear it again.
It Face Mask Sanitizer is made with 95% grain alcohol and essential oils.
~terpinen-4-ol kills certain bacteria, fungi and viruses
~thymol is a disinfectant that kills mold and bacteria
~methyl myrtenate is a powerful cleansing and purifying agent
Directions: Simply spray both sides lightly and allow to air dry. Can be used as a hand sanitizer or surface sanitizer.
Note: Do not use this as a hand sanitizer frequently. This blend is not made with any softeners or conditioners for the skin. It will be quite drying if used often. But every now and again, when in a pinch it will work!
2oz glass spray bottle
Face Mask Sanitizer
95% grain alcohol with Tea Tree, Arborvitae, and Thyme essential oils